10 Slides of a Pitch Deck Presentation
10 Slides
- Introduction - Who are you and why are you here? Keep it short and sweet.
- Team - Show the people behind the idea and briefly describe their role.
- Problem - What problem are you trying to solve? Is it really a problem?
- Advantages - What makes your solution special? How are you different from others?
- Solution - Describe how are you planning to solve the problem.
- Product - How does your product or service actually work? Show some examples.
- Market - Know, or at least attempt to predict the size of your target market.
- Competition - What are the alternative solutions to the problem you are trying to solve?
- Business Model - How are you planning to make money? Show a schedule when you expect revenues to pour in.
- Investing - What is your planned budget? What kind of money are you looking for?