The Margin Manifesto:

Financial Goal The financial goal of a start-up should be simple: profit in the least time with the least effort. Not more customers, not more revenue, not more offices or more employees: more profit...
Financial Goal The financial goal of a start-up should be simple: profit in the least time with the least effort. Not more customers, not more revenue, not more offices or more employees: more profit...
10 Slides Introduction - Who are you and why are you here? Keep it short and sweet. Team - Show the people behind the idea and briefly describe their role...
File Management Recommendation: Google Drive • Google Drive is a great tool for not only file storage but is also useful when sharing files among a team. Files such as logos, pictures, marketing plans, and QuickBooks files can all be saved and archived...
Over the next few weeks, I will be posting a series of articles on starting a business. The focus will be on structure, tools, processes and mistakes to avoid...
Delivering products and services to meet expectations is a constant demand for today's businesses. In other words managers who know how to manage and exceed expectations better meet client needs...